Saturday, March 25, 2017

It's Been a While's been a while.  All I have to say is...

I'm a total nerd.  With this new and healthy love in my life, I have the chance to enjoy things and pursue passions.

Passions and things of enjoyment include, but are not limited to, the following: Reading.  Writing.  Crochet.  Music.  Harry Potter.  Hunger Games.  Broncos Football.  Garth Brooks.  Batman.  Matt Damon.  Jennifer Lawrence.

"And in what exact moment did you decide you were a nerd?"

I thought you'd never ask.

When I looked down and realized that each article of clothing I'm currently wearing is from a separate fangirl-ism.

My pants are of the Ravenclaw variety.  That was my house until Hogwarts found out I was a muggle and expelled me.

I sport my Broncos hoodie even in the off season.  Even when they are no longer the champs.

Underwear?  Batman.  No judging.

And then the Mockingjay necklace, for protection of course.

The one piece that does not belong to a fandom on me, is my plain as Jane pink t-shirt.

Welcome to my Saturday.

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