Friday, June 10, 2016

This Girl

This Girl

This girl is happy.  This girl has a man she loves (yes, you read that correctly).  This girl has a man that is totally into her and is not afraid to discuss their future together.  
This girl never doubts herself or the intentions of the people she trusts.  
This girl has talent, and loves to spend time growing her hobby skills.  
She laughs easily, loves quickly, and trusts cautiously.
This girl can reign in her jealousy by letting it go and watching it float away.  Then she smiles and moves forward.
This girl sees everything good and positive about the people and situations that cross her path, and she’s smart enough to recognize a bad one.
This girl can focus, get everything crossed off her to-do in a timely manner, and then do a little extra.
She also has the patience of a saint, and learns from her mistakes instead of stewing in how silly she must have looked making them.
She’s fearless and daring.
She has an open mind and is accepting of all beliefs and backgrounds while she stands firmly and confidently in her own faith of her God.
This is the girl she used to be, and the girl she projected strongly today.  She's been catching glimpses of her every now and then since she's been around my family and friends.  This is the girl she's been trying to rescue for the last several years and almost lost hope for.
This girl is the reason she loves him, her boyfriend.  He’s gently pulling her from the shell of a person she became and helping her catch her breath as she rediscovers herself. a happy, happy girl.

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